Interlibrary Loan Policy for the Pillsbury Free Library Adopted June 19, 2018
A. Definition
An Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a transaction in which the Pillsbury Free Library borrows materials directly from another library on behalf of a patron, or another library borrows materials from the Pillsbury Free Library on behalf of its patron.
B. Purpose
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service enables access to materials from other libraries throughout New Hampshire and the rest of the world. Interlibrary Loan is a primary service that supports the mission of the library by providing enhanced access to library materials and information. The purpose of Interlibrary Loan is to obtain materials not available in our library and to provide material from our collection to other libraries.
Interlibrary Loan is an adjunct to, not a substitute for, the library’s collection. The Pillsbury Free Library participates in Interlibrary Loan in order to support the diverse research needs of library users and to satisfy their broad reading interests.
C. Conditions of Service
In delivery of Interlibrary Loan (ILL) services both in borrowing and in lending, the Staff will follow procedures established at the Pillsbury Free Library in accordance with the standards of the American Library Association’s Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States, the United States Copyright Law, federal and state laws governing confidentiality of records, and the New Hampshire Automated Information System (NHAIS) ILL policies and guidelines.
D. Policy for Borrowing from Other Libraries
- Users
Interlibrary Loan Borrowing Service is available to all patrons holding a valid library card from the Pillsbury Free Library. It is important that the patron “contact information” be up-to-date, any attached fines to the patron’s record be under $10.00, and no other ILL items be overdue at time of pick up. Interlibrary Loan Service will be denied to anyone who has lost other library use privileges, until such privileges are restored.
- Types of Materials Borrowed
The Pillsbury Free Library will borrow any format of materials, if the lending library is willing to lend. In general, libraries do not lend new materials (published within 6 months).
- Acceptable Methods of Request
Requests may be made using any of the following methods: Walk-in requests, telephone: 603-456-2289, mail to Pillsbury Free Library, PO Box 299 Warner NH 03278, email:, or website contact: Requests via Social Media are discouraged.
- Loan Period
The loan period shall be dependent on the due date established by the lending library, allowing time for return travel to be returned on time. Renewals may be requested if the lender allows it. We will comply with whatever usage restrictions are required by the lender, such as in-house use or restricted renewals. Staff may also restrict materials to in-house use due to value or condition.
- Photocopies
Photocopies may be requested for materials not available for loan, subject to copyright regulations. If there is a fee charged by the supplier, it must be paid by the patron.
- Charges
If the material can be obtained with no cost, we will request it. If the cost of fees and/or postage is over $10, the patron shall be asked but not required to pay for the costs. Staff may also search commercial sources and inform the requestor of the availability and cost.
- Response Time
All requests shall be attempted within 2 business days of being submitted. If the material is not available from New Hampshire sources, the patron will be consulted before we attempt to borrow from out of state. Time until receipt of materials will depend on availability and delivery method. If the material is not available to be borrowed, or there will be a delay in receipt of the item, the patron will be notified within 2 days of that determination.
- Types of Libraries from which we will borrow
We will request materials from public, school, academic or special libraries in New Hampshire, in that order of priority. If not available in New Hampshire, we will search WorldCat to locate libraries that hold the material or the Library of Congress catalog.
- Delivery and Return Methods
For N.H. Libraries that receive NHSL van delivery, that shall be the preferred method.
For other libraries, U.S. Mail at Media Rate or Library Rate shall be the usual method of delivery and return. With prior permission of both libraries, in-person pick up may be an option if time is critical.
- Responsibility
The patron is responsible for picking up the requested item at the Pillsbury Free Library within one week of notification, and to return the item to the Pillsbury Free Library in a timely fashion. If an item is damaged or lost, the patron is responsible for the cost or replacement of the item, depending on the lending library’s preference, and any processing fee charged by the lending library. Failure to return Interlibrary Loan items on time or to pick up items ordered through Interlibrary Loan could result in suspension of Interlibrary Loan privileges.
E. Policy for Lending to Other Libraries
- Types of Libraries that may borrow from Pillsbury Free Library
The Pillsbury Free Library will lend to all types of public, academic, institutional, and corporate libraries, subject to the charges and conditions in this policy.
- Types of Materials Loaned
The Pillsbury Free Library will loan any format of circulating cataloged materials except for eBooks that are only available on devices owned by the library. Magazines will only be loaned to libraries in N.H. Reference materials may be loaned to N.H. Libraries at the discretion of the Library Director. Materials owned for less than 4 months are not generally available for interlibrary loan. Loan of rare, fragile or otherwise special materials may be restricted.
- Loan Period
The usual loan period shall be 4 weeks from date sent for N.H. libraries, 6 weeks for Out-of-State libraries. This period may be extended for most materials, upon request.
- Acceptable Methods of Request
For N.H. Libraries with access to NHAIS, requests via State online system are the preferred method (our NHAIS code: HSG9). Other accepted methods include telephone: 603-456-2289, mail: Pillsbury Free Library, PO Box 299 Warner NH 03278, email:, or website contact: Walk-in ILL requests by staff of borrowing libraries are also allowed when identification is provided.
- Charges
There are no fees charged for items that are borrowed by NH libraries using the NH van delivery system, and that are returned undamaged. For libraries outside the NH Van delivery system, we reserve the right to charge for the cost of delivery. For lost or damaged items, replacement or compensation based on replacement costs is expected.
- Photocopies
Photocopies may be requested for materials not available for loan, subject to copyright regulations. There will be no fee charged for copies.
- Response Time
Interlibrary loan staff will respond to requests within 1 – 2 days of receipt.
- Delivery and Return Methods
For N.H. Libraries that receive NHSL van delivery, that shall be the preferred method. For other libraries, U.S. Mail at Media Rate shall be the usual method of delivery and return.
- Renewals
Materials on loan through Interlibrary Loan may usually be renewed using any of the approved contact methods, including borrower login, if no cardholder at the lending library has placed a reserve on the material.
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