Book Sales
Our annual booksale is held Saturday and Sunday of the Warner Fall Foliage Festival (Columbus Day Weekend), 9 AM to 4 PM. 2018 dates: Oct 6 & 7.
Sometimes we also hold a May book sale during the Spring into Warner Arts Festival, and so does MainStreet Warner Inc, hosted by the MainStreet BookEnds book store next door.
A permanent ongoing sale shelf is located in the stairway hall.
Warner Historical Society hosts an ongoing book sale all summer on Tuesday afternoons 1-4 and Saturdays 9 – 1.
Click here for Book groups in the area (includes ideas for book discussions or good reading)
Author events:
Several area bookstores host author visits, including
MainStreet BookEnds, E. Main St., Warner NH 456-2700
Gibsons Book Store, 27 S. Main St., Concord 603-224-0562
Annual Series:
Presented by Warner Historical Society
Four summer Saturday evenings with nationally known Authors
7:00 PM at the Warner Town Hall: readings followed by dessert and music.
Other information
New Hampshire Writers’ Project (NHWP)
An authors group that organizes NH events such as the NH Book Festival, workshops, etc.
NHWP Events calendar
New Hampshire Center for the Book provides information about book awards, and New Hampshire authors, and other book-related topics.
For sale: 19th Century Libraries of Warner, N.H. by Larry Sullivan
See a brief history of the Pillsbury Free Library HERE
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