Please help the library determine which programs might be of interest and the best times to offer them. with this quick 7- question survey:
Please help the library determine which programs might be of interest and the best times to offer them. with this quick 7- question survey:
Visit our passes page for details on passes you can borrow. We also now have nature discovery kits in backpacks for children and adults. The children’s pack created by the Nature Discovery Center in Warner for the Mt Kearsarge Indian Museum‘s Medicine woods trail has activities designed to get children engaged in observing the natural world. The Library Nature bags contain durable featherweight weatherproof identification guides for anything from animals to trees to bugs. The seashore bag includes beachcomber guides to shells and shoreland plants and animals.
Check one out when you borrow our NH State Parks Pass or just want to go hiking.
Register now for this event 456-2289 for Age- 6 and up (must have finished Kindergarten) for an exploration of matter from tiny molecules to exploding volcanoes. Learn how rocks can change their state of matter and watch other items change right before your eyes! Observe startlingly science-filled experiments and demonstrations and make an incredible shrink paper craft – that will look like real glass – to take home!
A museum educator will lead children in a hands-on, exciting, and informative presentation—with a focus on geology and other subjects that ROCK!
Free! Presentation done by Children’s Museum of NH for the Pillsbury Free Library summer program. Share our FaceBook Event!
It’s never too late to join in the fun! The first program is July 10th, at 9:30 AM. Pick and choose which days to come. Have fun with friends and read for prizes while exercising that brain of yours! See the 2018SRP brochure for more details. Call or come in to register.
Saturday May 19: During the annual Spring into Warner Arts celebration, the Library is holding its 3rd annual Edible Books contest at the library 9:30 – 1:30. Registration form is here: ediblebooksENTRY2018
See more about the Spring into Warner event at
Artists and Musicians are still welcome!