Do you wonder if your home’s well water is safe to drink, but don’t know enough about testing or don’t have time to pick up and drop off samples in Concord? The library wants to help make it easy!
Pillsbury Free Library will host a “Private Well Water” Testing Workshop presented by the NH Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) on Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2021 at 6:30 pm in the meeting room of the library (masks required), maybe also Zoom.
The workshop, for residents of Warner and neighboring towns, will cover why well users should get their water tested; the most common contaminants, and the associated health risks; how to get your water tested; how to understand what your test results mean, and water treatment options.
Water test kits with forms will be available for pickup at the library during the event, and the next day for those unable to attend who still want to have their well tested.
Register online at or by calling or emailing the Pillsbury Free Library; and please indicate if you will want a test kit. (You are not required to have your water tested, even if you take a kit home.) A standard DES water test is $85, with options to test for other contaminants for varying fees. Basic retest for well monitoring is $30. If you need help paying for the test, Please call 603-456-2053.
Any private well owners or users who pick up a kit will have a chance to save travel time by dropping off their collected water samples in Warner (probably on Sunday, October 17), with a check to NHDES for the testing requested, and completed test forms. A library Trustee will drive all the samples to the NH DES lab in Concord the next morning for testing. Or you can deliver your test kit to DES yourself.
Kits with samples for Bacteria testing must be delivered within 24 hours of samples being taken. Results are mailed to YOU.