Pillsbury Free Library Board of Trustees
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Meeting Minutes for Tuesday, May 17, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Laura Milliken.
Present: Trustees Nan Cogswell, Jeanne Hand, Everett Hunt, Laura Milliken, Lynn Perkins, Larry Sullivan and Library Director Nancy Ladd.
Absent: Linda Hedrick, Tina Schirmer and Joan Warren.
1. Chairperson Opens the Meeting. Laura Milliken opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
2. Minutes from the April Trustees Meeting. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Lynn, seconded by Everett, and passed.
3. Treasurer’s Report: Nancy presented the report of the library finances, as Tina Schirmer was absent. On a motion by Lynn, seconded by Larry, it was accepted. After a brief discussion, it was decided that Laura or Larry will group all the monthly reports together, then send them out in one e-mail so that everyone will receive them all at once.
Acceptation of donations: This must be on the agenda and in the minutes of the Board meeting. At the Trustees’ monthly meetings, we can accept all unanticipated donations that have been received each month up to $5,000 without being posted in newspapers, but if the amount is over $5,000 it must be posted and discussed at a public hearing. In accordance with that rule, the funds can be spent this year. We received an anonymous donation of $50.00 for the new tv mount, and a gift of $100.00 was received from the Men’s Club for a new shelf in the circ area. Joe Bourke donated a stereo headset, value $50.00. Joe will demonstrate how to use it for voice activated computing. Larry made a motion to accept the donations and gift; it was seconded by Nan, and was approved.
4. Library Director’s Report. Nancy presented her written monthly report. She discussed her workshop meetings at the NHLA Conference in Manchester on May 5 and 6, and NHLTA on May 8th in Bedford, and also attended the Warner Master Plan Update hearing May 16. The Library section was approved as submitted.
A new volunteer, Margaret Schirmer, has started doing the newspaper clippings project.
Nancy talked to BookEnds to discuss the Park landscaping. Nothing has been planned/ scheduled yet, but plants such as rhodies and forsythia bushes were mentioned. Everett mentioned that we need these to define our property line, and she will mention this point to them. Linda Hartman has also been asked to attend these meetings. In accordance with the historic nature of this area, it was suggested that we any fence by the lilacs should maintain that period. The Park designers suggested for less maintenance it should be a natural cedar fence, with pieces of the same fence in back, with stairs or a pathway to be built. Jeanne mentioned that cedar fence turns to gray after a while from the weather. It was decided that this falls into the Building and Grounds Committee area, so they will discuss it and bring it back to the board.
Nancy also mentioned the free Library Trustee session on June 7th at the Holiday Inn in Concord, N.H. If anyone would like to attend, please register or let her know asap.
Regarding the card catalogue, it was sold at a “silent auction”. The highest bid was $65. We were generously given $75.00 for it, and it was removed that day from the library.
5. Committee Reports. Reports were given by the various committees of the Trustees.
Building and Grounds: Lynn presented the committee report. He also touched base with Allan Brown, former Public Works Director of the Town, who checked on the matter of the “drain pipe” of no return. More work is needed to be done on the drainage issue. Spring clean up will be dealt with at another meeting. Top soil is needed for the grass area, as well as edging work. Mulch for the plants, bushes and trees needs weeding.
The window restoration was placed on a “back burner” due to money. We still have an financial “image problem” with the town. Larry stated that we should discuss this need at the August 4th program when Mr. Pillsbury visits. At the next Finance, and Building & Grounds Committee meetings, it should be discussed. We should also apply for a grant for the restoration of the windows. The committee report was accepted
Personnel: Nancy made a request to approve a modification to the job description for Substitute Library Assistant. After describing her list of changes submitted, a motion was made by Larry, seconded by Lynn and the revised version was accepted.
Policy: Larry presented the committee report. Larry made a motion to approve the Policy for use of Equipment XII. Section D (De-accessioning of equipment) presented last month, with minor amendments as discussed. Nan seconded the motion, and it was accepted. New sections A and B (Definitions and Use of equipment in the library) were presented for discussion and vote at the June meeting.
Technology: Laura presented the report submitted by Linda, and also talked about the long-range planning meeting on Saturday, May 14 at 10:00 a.m. to look at the bigger picture for the library. The committee report was accepted.
6. New Business:
Conference reports will be discussed at the next meeting, by Linda and Tina.
7. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Trustees will be on June 21 at 7:00 p.m. in the Maria Room. All Trustees expect to attend the meeting, except for Joan who is gone for the summer.
8. Adjourn: Lynn made a motion to adjourn the meeting, it was seconded by Everett and the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted by Nan Cogswell